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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Updating on the Girls

This was the yearly summer trip to Branson with my mom, sister, Alexie, me and Stevie. Scout will participate next year. We had a blast. Shopped til we dropped. Of course the adults came back with not one thing and the kids are ready for the fall. Stevie kept saying we were at Branson's House. She thought it was a person.
Anything Alexie did Stevie did it too.

Stevie loved to pose for the camera.

There was a playground at the hotel we were staying.

Also last week Stevie decieded to put a sequin in her ear. I had to take her to the doctor to have it removed. On Tuesday nite she was digging in her ear saying something is in there. Of course there was.

She is holding the sequin in her hand. When I picked her up from school that day she said "Mommy I didn't put anything in my ear."

This is us at the lake. Thanks to the Earles for letting us stay up at their place while they were at the beach.

Stevie in the sprinklers.

Stevie and Mason on the boat. What great friends/cousins they are?

This is the redneck pool. This is what Scout swam in on the boat. It was perfect it would not let her tip over and she loved putting her feet in the water. She stayed in the shade.

She looked like a marshmellow. She was a trooper and did not cry.


Dawne C. said...

Love Scout's little personal pool- what a great idea!

alisha herring said...

Okay...the sequin in the ear...that is one thing we have not done yet, but I am sure that is coming! In the ear or worse...up the nose! YIKES! Glad you had a great time in Branson. Queen Scout and her own pool...that is the life! Cute pics, Brandy!