birthday count down

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Trying to catch up from Halloween til today!

Stevie decided that Scout needed a mohawk in the bathtub.
I made the girls these shirts on Thursday night! Gobble, gobble! She is getting to be such a big girl.

Stevie loves to wear wild and bright clothing. She reminds me of Punky Bruster.

Stevie loves her turkey shirt. She showed all her friends.

My sweet little girls.

We went to Nina's house before we went trick-or-treating.

Halloween 2009!!!

Scout was a ghost because she is white as a ghost.

Stevie is obsessed with Spiderman. She wants to wear the costume everyday.

Scout loved to put her hands into the pumpkin. She would get so excited and scream.

This is Stevie crying because Daddy pushed her hand into the pumpkin to touch the "yucky" stuff.

Look at me I can clean out a pumpkin.