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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Nesselrodt's can't get over sickness!

Well the past few days have been crazy. It all started two weeks ago with Scout having an ear infection and pink eye. Then on Sunday she came down with another fever and was home on Monday. That night we noticed that she was not eating that well. So my mom kept her on Tuesday. I called around 2 that afternoon and mom said that she would not drink her bottles. She would drink two or three drinks and then scream. I thought it might me her ears or throat was hurting. She would keep her mouth open and not swallow at all. We gave her motrin, teething tablets and oral gel. Nothing seemed to work. She would cry for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I felt so helpless that I could not do anything to help her. I called and got her an appointment for today at 9:30. As soon as Dr. Ibrahim came in his said I know what it is based on the blister on her chin. (again i thought it was from her drooling so much) He asked if she had and red spots on her hands and feet. I had not noticed but there were just a few on one foot very small. She also had what I thought was diaper rash and that was not the case. She has Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease. So we are home til Monday. She has blisters in her mouth that is why she does not want to eat. All they can give her is a mixture of Benadryl and an antacid. She is doing much better today. She is eating and starting to play. Being a mom is hard, you need a book of illnesses so you don't feel like a bad parent when you take them to the doctor.

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