birthday count down

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Finally Catching Up!!!

WOW I know I am so behind on blogging. There have been soooooo many changes in my life recently. I have a new position at work, my baby started school and my oldest is in PreK-3. Our life is crazy with trying to get a good routine in the mornings. Stevie has started to have some strong independent issues lately. She is back talking, throwing fits, being a bit rough with Scout. We have moved the bedtime up, being more consistent at home with rules. Children really do test your limits. Thank goodness they have a sweet spirit that makes you laugh more than anger. WOW!!!!

One moment where Stevie is being nice to her sister.

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! This tells the story of Scout Elizabeth. Her face says it all. She is so laid back and has such a sweet presence. I am truly greatful to have had two really great babies.

A face says a thousand words. I was playing with my camera and took this picture. Stevie is such a strong child who has a love for life, make believe, spiderman, and a love for dance. I am excited to see what God has planned for her. She is a determined little girl.

She loves to be a pirate with her "boyfriends" at school. She asks me is she going to a boy when she grows up. Then she named her imaginary dogs "whiskey" and "cola" not sure where that came from. Since she was about 2 she named her baby "kula" or "Coola" Not sure how you would spell that name.

This was taken after her 6 months shots. She had to have 4. There are two more shots to get at the end of the month. Her weight is 17.8 pounds, 27 inches long, She is a growing baby. IT'S GREAT BEING A MOM OF TWO!!!! Can't wait to see what is to come.

The car ride home from the shots made her sleepy. I love how peaceful she looks. There are days I want to have that much peace.

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