birthday count down

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

What a great Christmas we had!

We had a very busy Christmas Season. In 8 days we had 7 Christmas' to go to. This one was Christmas with my dad and sister. Scout loved the paper and the sippy cup she got in her stocking. We read the book "A Stable Where Jesus was Born" to let her know it was Jesus' birthday. She sang Happy Birthday to him all day long with her new microphone. It was so fun to experience Christmas again through the eyes of a child. Stevie really enjoyed Christmas this year. Scout will next year.
Pops and his girls.

We then has Christmas at my mom's for my grandmother's Christmas. Stevie loved her Tinkerbell movie. She also got a microphone and stand. We get a concert every nite.
The Nesselrodt's Christmas 2009

Christmas at Papaw and Doe Doe's

Mason and Stevie made cookies for Santa.

Memaw house for Christmas, She got the girls and Mason reindeer antlers.

Thanks Aunt B for the great "chapstick" and Sparkly body spray.

Scout loved the tree this year. That is all she wanted to do was play with the ornaments.

Stevie is putting out reindeer food. She thought this was the coolest thing.

Stevie and her cookies/letter for Santa. Scout didn't make it for the picture she was sound asleep.

On Christmas morning Stevie ran into the room and then stopped. She pointed her finger and said "Oh my goodness Oh my Word, Do you see those presents". Later on that day she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "Santa did not get her letter because he did not bring her any Diego stuff. I asked for Diego stuff and he didn't bring me any" Talking about breaking your heart. We told her that he already knew she had a whole box full of Diego toys and he wanted her to have Dora stuff. Just when you thought a 3 year old would not remember what was on her list they suprise you.

Her tinkerbell set and she got a scooter that she says she is Scooting on

These two books are the ones Stevie wrapped up because she said Scout needed them. They were on her bookshelf in her room. She was thinking of her sister.

My girls on Christmas morning.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Trying to catch up from Halloween til today!

Stevie decided that Scout needed a mohawk in the bathtub.
I made the girls these shirts on Thursday night! Gobble, gobble! She is getting to be such a big girl.

Stevie loves to wear wild and bright clothing. She reminds me of Punky Bruster.

Stevie loves her turkey shirt. She showed all her friends.

My sweet little girls.

We went to Nina's house before we went trick-or-treating.

Halloween 2009!!!

Scout was a ghost because she is white as a ghost.

Stevie is obsessed with Spiderman. She wants to wear the costume everyday.

Scout loved to put her hands into the pumpkin. She would get so excited and scream.

This is Stevie crying because Daddy pushed her hand into the pumpkin to touch the "yucky" stuff.

Look at me I can clean out a pumpkin.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Patch with Friends

We had a great time at the pumpkin patch this year. We met some great friends for food, fun, and pumpkins. The kids love the Schaffers farm because of the animals, the playground, and the hayrides. I think this may be a tradition among all of us. It is hard to now get a good picture of both girls. One is looking the other is watching what is going on around her. Stevie and the Great Big Pumpkin!
My two little pumpkins.

Stevie is busy watching others. She is doing her "new" smile. Scout loved the pumpkins.

What a cutie pie?

Stevie and Scout's Cutie Friend Emmy.

Katie and Stevie: Two Week Apart

Scout's "Big Brother". Brooks wanted to take a picture with Scout before Katie.

Nesselrodt Family October 2009

Stevie's Friend Sydney. Loved the shirt she had on. Great Job Lauren!

Stevie is watching Alexie cheering.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Nesselrodt's can't get over sickness!

Well the past few days have been crazy. It all started two weeks ago with Scout having an ear infection and pink eye. Then on Sunday she came down with another fever and was home on Monday. That night we noticed that she was not eating that well. So my mom kept her on Tuesday. I called around 2 that afternoon and mom said that she would not drink her bottles. She would drink two or three drinks and then scream. I thought it might me her ears or throat was hurting. She would keep her mouth open and not swallow at all. We gave her motrin, teething tablets and oral gel. Nothing seemed to work. She would cry for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I felt so helpless that I could not do anything to help her. I called and got her an appointment for today at 9:30. As soon as Dr. Ibrahim came in his said I know what it is based on the blister on her chin. (again i thought it was from her drooling so much) He asked if she had and red spots on her hands and feet. I had not noticed but there were just a few on one foot very small. She also had what I thought was diaper rash and that was not the case. She has Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease. So we are home til Monday. She has blisters in her mouth that is why she does not want to eat. All they can give her is a mixture of Benadryl and an antacid. She is doing much better today. She is eating and starting to play. Being a mom is hard, you need a book of illnesses so you don't feel like a bad parent when you take them to the doctor.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Finally Catching Up!!!

WOW I know I am so behind on blogging. There have been soooooo many changes in my life recently. I have a new position at work, my baby started school and my oldest is in PreK-3. Our life is crazy with trying to get a good routine in the mornings. Stevie has started to have some strong independent issues lately. She is back talking, throwing fits, being a bit rough with Scout. We have moved the bedtime up, being more consistent at home with rules. Children really do test your limits. Thank goodness they have a sweet spirit that makes you laugh more than anger. WOW!!!!

One moment where Stevie is being nice to her sister.

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! This tells the story of Scout Elizabeth. Her face says it all. She is so laid back and has such a sweet presence. I am truly greatful to have had two really great babies.

A face says a thousand words. I was playing with my camera and took this picture. Stevie is such a strong child who has a love for life, make believe, spiderman, and a love for dance. I am excited to see what God has planned for her. She is a determined little girl.

She loves to be a pirate with her "boyfriends" at school. She asks me is she going to a boy when she grows up. Then she named her imaginary dogs "whiskey" and "cola" not sure where that came from. Since she was about 2 she named her baby "kula" or "Coola" Not sure how you would spell that name.

This was taken after her 6 months shots. She had to have 4. There are two more shots to get at the end of the month. Her weight is 17.8 pounds, 27 inches long, She is a growing baby. IT'S GREAT BEING A MOM OF TWO!!!! Can't wait to see what is to come.

The car ride home from the shots made her sleepy. I love how peaceful she looks. There are days I want to have that much peace.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Last Days of Summer!!

I am sad that the summer is coming to an end. I have tried to spend as much time with my girls as I could. We have been to the library, swimming, and just hanging out at the house. Scout is growing like a weed and is able to sit up by herself. She is trying to move around in her walker. She weighs 16 pounds. Her hair is starting to get thick. This week she is trying to do a raspberry. Stevie is loving the library and getting new books. After reading the book one time she will read it to me and Scout. Stevie is in love with playing with babies and playing dress-up. Here are some pictures from the summer I love painting

This is a look when she is up to something.

Trying to take the picture myself.

Mommy's Girls

I sit by myself!!!

Best Friends

She loves Popsicles!!

Too much fun!!!