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Monday, April 6, 2009

My Shinning Star

Stevie was shinning star this past week at school. She was so proud to stand on the star as the lights were turned off and flashlights were used to make her shinning star. I am very proud of my little girl!!!

This weekend I went to make sure that my pictures were burned to a CD so I could delete them off my camera. Stevie's CD from Christmas (my dads) til now was some how deleted. I am hoping my dad as some pictures I can get. I cried most of the day on saturday. I have lost her pictures of Shooting Star and Sparkling Star plus some cute ones right after Scout was born. It really made me sick to my stomach. I keep telling myself they were just pictures and there are many more memories to capture.


alisha herring said...

OH NO! I am so sorry about that! But, you are right...soooo many more pics to get. I am glad to hear that Stevie was "Super Star" again and that you were off and got to go see her . Enjoy the next 2 weeks. SOAK IT UP! Just are back for a few weeks and then summer! YEA!

P.S. tell Stevie thanks for the announcement of her sweet baby sis. I Loved it!

Toga Tuite said...

Stevie makes a great shinning star!! I'm sure she'll be in the spotlight often!!

Jim deleted my 1st mother's day pics last year! So, I feel your pain about the pics. I hope you are able to recover some of them!! We loved the announcement,as well. They are two beautiful girls!!